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Terms of Service

Last Updated: .


Company: The Collection of the ATP Database, AT Products, Flash Documentation, Ethical Hacking Society, CodingHome, AT's ROM Games, and The Script Community (commonly referred to as "We", "Us", "Our")

You: You refers to the individual accessing or using the Website, Service, or Code, or the company or any other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Website, Service, or Code, as applicable.

I: General Terms of Service

You take responsibility, therefore any activity resulting from the use of your device on our Project(s) and Code is also your responsibility. All files should be carefully advised before usage to be looked through by a anti-virus, or code editor since confusion as to what file you are using can occur. Any virus should be downloaded on a Virtual Machine and tested on said Virtual Machine, we aren’t responsible for any damage caused by our code to your or anyones device.

Any illegal activity is prohibited on our files. Personal, and/or educational use only. If it does get used for illegal activity, termination for any AT Products’ (even subsidiary) services will be terminated. It, depending on how much damage, or how unlawful it is, may result in a IP termination. Due to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (“CFAA”), Electronic Communications Protection Act (“ECPA”), please keep the hacking ethical (whether it's in a Discord server or not). Do not spread our Malware, DDoS, Worms, Ransomware, or any type of viruses/hacking files.

Discord history may apply, if banned on that one server may prohibit that one part on the ATP Database. If banned through all servers, then the whole database will be locked. Follow our own Discord Rules to use our Discord Servers.

Copyright action may be taken if you claim what is not yours, any file will be copyrighted by us unless labeled so otherwise. Copyright holder for Vi, and Ethical Hacking Society, is AT Products. Fair Use Act is allowed to ask us for permission, if it is modified and if you want to claim that said file. Some of our files doesn’t have a creator attached to them, incorrectly claim it’s yours and disciplinary action will be taken against you.

II: Acceptance

Upon downloading any of Our Project(s), Code or Scripts, You signify your agreement to the following TOS. In the circumstance You violate any section of the TOS, We reserve the right to revoke Your privileges and ability to use the Code, Project(s), and Services we provide.

We reserve the right, at Our sole discretion, to modify or replace these TOS at any time. If a revision has a sufficient effect to You, we will make efforts to provide at least a 30 days' notice prior to any new Terms taking effect. A sufficient revision is determined at Our sole discretion.